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   2021-06-23 740
核心提示:据油气新闻网站5月18日消息 沙特阿美和沙特基础工业公司(Sabic)正推进在延布建设大型石化企业的计划,这表明他们致力于实现扩

据油气新闻网站5月18日消息 沙特阿美和沙特基础工业公司(Sabic)正推进在延布建设大型石化企业的计划,这表明他们致力于实现扩大沙特下游部门的长期目标。


GlobalData能源与技术编辑Indrajit Sen评论道:“沙特阿美/沙特基础工业公司在延布规划的下游项目被誉为中东个此类石油化工项目,也是世界上为数不多的此类项目之一。据估计,建造这样一个综合设施的成本高达250亿美元,而对于阿美石油公司来说,在向公共投资基金(PIF)支付691亿美元用于收购沙特基础工业公司(Sabic)的多数股权时,证明这一水平的资本支出是合理的,但这或许不切实际。”



Indrajit Sen表示:“这一替代计划的一部分是在靠近Yasref炼油厂的延布建造绿地石化厂,以获得原料优势。据估计,海湾合作委员会目前正在开发的大多数炼油和石化一体化项目的成本都在100亿美元以下。阿美/沙特基础工业公司可能需要一段时间才能为大型项目配置佳方案,但他们对在延布建立下游设施的承诺仍然有效。”

王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


Saudi Arabia committed to Yanbu chemicals project

Saudi Aramco and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Sabic) are moving forward with their plans of building a mega petrochemicals complex in Yanbu. It demonstrates their commitment to their long-term goal of expanding the kingdom’s downstream sector.

How the Aramco/Sabic joijt venture (JV) is proceeding with the project planning also reflects that they are mindful of the cost-intensive nature of building a crude oil-to-chemicals (COTC) project.

Indrajit Sen, Energy & Technology Editor at GlobalData, comments: “The Aramco/Sabic planned downstream project in Yanbu has been touted as being the first oil-to-chemicals scheme of its type in the Middle East, and one of the few of its kind in the world. Building such a complex is estimated to cost up to $25 billion, and for Aramco, justifying that level capital expenditure when it is paying the Public Investment Fund (PIF) $69.1 billion for the majority acquisition of Sabic, is perhaps impractical.

“The shifting dynamics of petrochemicals demand outlook has also said to have been a factor for the project operators, with the Aramco/Sabic JV reportedly considering revising down the planned petrochemicals output capacity of 9 million tonnes a year. However, the project has by no means been shelved - neither had it been officially put ‘on hold’ by the operators at any point in time.”

Sticking to the original plan of building a mega COTC complex remains an option for the partners, and Aramco/Sabic are considering the alternate, cost-efficient approach of building an integrated refining and petrochemicals project in Yanbu, and even roped in Wood Group as a consultant.

Sen continues: “Part of this alternative plan is building the greenfield petrochemicals plant in close proximity to the Yasref refinery in Yanbu for feedstock advantage. Most integrated refining and petrochemicals projects currently under development in the GCC are all estimated to cost under $10bn. The Aramco/Sabic JV maybe a while away from configuring the best option for the megaproject but their commitment towards establishing a downstream facility in Yanbu remains in place.


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