推广 热搜: MDI  高压发泡机,发泡机  水性  巴斯夫,聚氨酯  环氧乙烷,聚氨酯  聚氨酯  聚氨酯材料  聚氨酯发泡机,发泡机  石油化工,聚氨酯  水性聚氨酯,聚氨酯 


   2021-08-03 2780
核心提示:  聚义堂小编(微信号:pu138com)微信,随手掌握聚氨酯动态,把握未来!  由蜡和聚氨酯泡沫制备的相变材料可能使机器人从固



  这种材料由MIT和Stony Brook University开发,期望未来机器人能实现软硬状态的互相转变,这种特点的机器人在外科手术中将大有作为,比如软机器人在进行手术时,将不会破坏组织和血管。软硬互变材料的机器人,由于其可压缩性、灵活性和柔韧性,或许可以用于一些救灾中,制备这种机器人初的想法是来自软体动物章鱼。



  Thermally Tunable, Self-Healing Composites for Soft Robotic Applications(Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,DOI: 10.1002/mame.201400017)

  摘要:The field of soft robotics has inspired recent mechanical engineering and materials science innovations to enable shape-shifting systems to be developed. This paper presents the design and analysis of a novel thermally tunable composite, namely, a flexible open-cell foam coated in wax that can achieve significant ranges of stiffness, strength, and volume. Experimental results were compared to a proposed model for predicting the bulk compression modulus of the composites. Additionally, preliminary studies indicate that the composites exhibit self-healing properties, in which heating between loading cycles can mend wax that has been plastically deformed, for example, by cracking or delaminating from the foam.

  作者:Nadia G. Cheng1,?,*, Arvind Gopinath2, Lifeng Wang3, Karl Iagnemma1 andAnette E. Hosoi1


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